This was quite a design led project where we had 4 designers working on it pretty much all the way through. I was the lead.

The project was setup so that we produced the designs and the internal dev team at ProCook would build which was quite an exciting prospect as they had built their own eCommerce platform in PHP.

We started off with a UX survey, I was responsible for Competitive Benchmarking and Analysis.

As part of the project, I was tasked with creating a Lookbook for the project where we outlined the direction of the design, typography, colours, photography and to a point tone of voice. One thing I really wanted to shine through on the site was their photography and bringing more lifestyle and food into it as currently, it was quite cold, clinical and staged.

Wireframing was also a key part of the journey as we wanted to get decisions made much sooner by the devs so I created wireframes for all journeys and possible new ideas too.

Once we had agreed the design rules in the look book, the design team set out to produce a UI Kit for the external developers to work from and from that produced designs in Figma that were then put into production.

Working in a team of 4 was not without it’s challenges but overall I think we took on the challenge well and I am really pleased my overall vision for the site was carried through by them and the devs. I think the site looks great, modern and full of colour. The devs did an amazing job too.

ProCook live site