Happy New Year all!

Hope you all had a good Christmas. Mine was uneventful but a great chance to kick back, enjoy some lovely cheeses and watch lots of eighties films. Bliss.

So it’s out with the old and in with the new which for me this year is quite exciting. I start a new role on Monday as a member of the UX team. I’m really excited by this and to be honest, I’ve been itching to start it. Long may the enthusiasm last.

As always with the new year, we promise to ourselves that we’ll implement some changes into our lives for the better. And this year is no different.

I’m looking to hit this year running and want it to be an honest year. Everyone starts with a clean slate from me. My sole aim is to enjoy myself and get shit done. This year is not about point scoring, who knows the most, who writes the best markup or whatever. “Ain’t nobody got time for that!”

I’ve also grown a beard.

I hope your year is a good one. I look forward to seeing the good stuff you produce.
