Here is a list of a more detailed breakdown of certain projects and how I went about proceeding with projects. You can find more design work in my work section and of course I’m happy to talk through any of the projects in more depth and detail.
Headless website that has seen me get involved with branding, look and feel, UX research, wireframing and design. Site not live yet.
BigCommerce website that has seen me get involved with UX research, wireframing and design. Sadly, the company has since gone into administration so the current site is not hugely based on the work I did as they were bought out.
BigCommerce website that has seen me get involved with UX research, wireframing and design
Magento website that has seen me get involved with UX research, wireframing and design.
Recommended reading
Here are a few blog posts that I have written around my processes over time and how I work and how my projects go or used to go.
From Start To Finish
Blog post that documents my design process.
The importance of prototyping
Blog post where I discuss my thoughts on prototyping and why I think it’s important.
My pattern library and designing in the browser thingy
Up until last year, I designed in CSS & HTML as I felt it gave the true representation of what could be designed for the web but have since moved to Figma due to the company I work for but I believe there is still a place for designing in code.